Just in Style cute trainers for spring

Hey I hope you are enjoying the sun as much as I am, hopefully I will get a golden tan soon :) Even though I don't tan but it's nice to get some sun and vitamin D with it :) 
I have been looking for a while for some trainers and I finally found some super cute ones in ASOS and finally I have some shoes to wear with my cute socks which I have had for ages but never wore them cause they didn't suit anything. But after a long time sitting in my draw they are finally out! To have comfortable shoes for me is my number one priority because I walk a lot every day. I walk to work and back then I walk with Hazel plus I stand on my feet all day so my feet and legs are worn out by the the time I can lie in on weekends :) Maybe I should do blog about my work shoes my boyfriend said I looked like I am wearing granny's shoes :))) But HEY comfort and health comes first right :)? Any way lets get back to my cutie trainers. Here are some pictures. I am very happy with my trainers, they are perfect for spring/summer.

Just in Style cute trainers for spring

Just in Style cute trainers for spring

Just in Style cute trainers for spring
Thank you for reading